- Whether you are in an apartment or a house you can compost... It is easy to start a compost pile and easy to maintain.. Getting started will take a permanent location in your yard or it can be done in industrial containers on the balcony of an apartment..Most however are done behind a garden.. Since my tips are quick and EASY I will get started so you can get started too..
A compost pile is made up of any or all of the following ingredients
grass clippings
twigs and branches (chopped)
fruit end veges clippings, peels, etc.
manor (cow,poultry,llama,and horse)
2. I suggest mowing over the deb re that is going in your pile before raking it up so that you have a even distribution of the nitrogen rich materials. Then you will turn the pile gently once a week for 8-12 weeks befor compost will be broke down enough by mesophilic bacteria, This bacteria survives best in 20-40 degrees Fahrenheit. The hotter it gets the more rapidly these bacteria spread and digest your pil. you will want your pile 3 ft wide and 3 ft tall. this allows for maximum core heat. If you pile does not heat up look into these reasons
The heap is watter logged(to wet)
There is not enough moisture
Not enough nitrogen rich material in the pile
3.When your pile is ready you are able to spread it anywhere that is bare or growing.. It is honestly the best fertilizer for your plants. Because it was made by you..
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