Fertilizing Inground

Fertilizing the area where you intend on gardening or growing anything is very important.. Fertilizing the area insures big blooms in flowers and huge mouth watering vegetables. There are 2 different types of fertilizer. Synthetic fertilizer is bought in a store however will provide no extra nutrition to the area that it is spread. The other is organic. Organic usually comes from a compost pile or could be manor. These add extra nutrition to the surrounding area and is beneficial to the ecosystem!
It is recomended that you use composted fertlizer from your own pile. It is honestly the perfect all natural black gold of the gardening world. Not only is it all pet and kid safe but it is going to bring in awsome outstanding growth. With Black Gold you will never have to worry if it is to much, the more the better!
If using a fertilizer that was bought at a store always be sure it is 5-10-10 or 10-10-10 NPK. NPK is nitrogen (helps in the production of the stem),Phoshorus(promotes strong root, and potassium(helps the entire plant top to bottom). If using manor make sure it is well aged,dehydrated, or well composted so that weed seeds are not introduced to the area you are fertilizing. Make sure that your fertilizer is properly mixed in so seeds are not burned by the nitrogen in the fertilizer. It is best to measure PH balance in your soil in the late fall at least every 2 years or so.
Tilling 2-4 inches in , add fertilizer 2-4 lbs per every 100 sqr ft., and tilling again for a even mixture of nutrient in the soil is the best way to getting started. You can also till in a layer of ash(5lbs per every 100 sqr ft.) to prevent root maggots from destroying all your hard work.
Other all natural fertilizers are green sand, granite dust, fish meal, and fish emulsion.